X2 Plus Retro 3d 32000+ Video Games 4k Hd Output Game Stick With 2 Wireless Controllers

About this item
32000+ Classic Games: The Mini game console Stick comes with 64gbTF card and comes per-loaded with over 32,000+ popular retro arcade games and many game emulators such as PS1, Mame and more. And support the addition of new games that take you back to your childhood.
Simple Pro version: Version optimization, higher stability, faster running, can provide excellent gaming experience, such as saving and loading favorites search, etc
2 Wireless Controller: Comes with 2 wireless controllers and adapters for stable connection and almost zero latency, allowing you to hit more bosses together without any wiring problems.
This game box is the perfect companion to keep kids busy, improve hand-eye coordination, and bring more fun to your family gatherings and make your home more cozy.
Accessories: a game console, an HDMI extension cable, a USB charging cable
One USB receiver and two wireless handles
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